Friday, August 11, 2006

Oh my God, it almost happened again!

Would we have remembered 8/10 as another day of carnage? Another attempted attack on the Western world. The Western world is facing the wrath of fundamentalists who will never give up. But this was imminent. I don’t have to be in MI or CIA or the FBI to see that this was coming. It was just matter of time and is just a matter of time before someone else tries it again, and that time who knows the out come may not be favourable.The general disdain that people seem to have developed over the past few years is not without reason.

I would like to remain neutral, but the high handed, generally arrogant and callous attitude the governments of the US and UK and other, so called, allies have leaves me appalled. And what a government believes its people naturally will.I do not understand foreigners especially Westerners who belittle other cultures, languages or religions without understanding its significance. Critiquing is one thing but looking down upon others myths, values and beliefs is decadent. They are so vocal and loud about their dislike for cultures other than their own. And that is probably what pushes fundamentalists over the edge. I do not believe that innocent citizens of a country should bear the brunt of the fundamentalist’s anger. But this probably is the only way they can vent.


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