Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Some changes are for the best...

I’ve been toying with the idea of reviving my blog all over again. It needs a facelift of sorts. I started blogging around the time I quit my last job. Well, this time I’ve quit or rather been politely been told apna rasta napoo …. I have plenty of time on my hands and so little to do, so let me utilize this time to do some things I always liked to do and wanted to do.

Today is one heck of a rainy day. It’s been raining all day today and all of last night--must be mayhem on the roads. After a long while, I felt like sleeping in and did just that. Woke up well past noon happy and contented, tucked in a nice little lunch, and here I am writing my next post.

I’ve been married nearly two months and how time flies. We’ve moved into our new home and slowly ever so slowly things are falling into place. But all of it has been a little bit of anticipation, some fun, a few differences in opinion, mom and dad don’t think this is right, and some times we nod in unison and viola a decision is made. At the end of it all, we smile at each other with a tremendous sense of achievement.

I love the fact that I have someone to share everything with everyday. There is a whole “other” to think of every time you think of doing something. I know I have someone who will support me and someone I can lean on when tired and fed up with day-to-day nonsense. Unlike peers, colleagues and friends, Anand is not quick to pass judgment over my actions. He helps me reason out things. We are complete opposites and we tell each other that ever so often! “And that my dear is what keeps us going” is Anand’s line.


At 11:52 AM , Blogger Frank said...

Awesome!! It is great to see you back and on top of the world. With the new year, it is a new day with new possibilities. Heres wishing you and Anand a very happy and prosperous new year.


At 10:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Priya Girl.. great to read your blog. I was checking on frank's blog (doing my wifely duties) but he hasnt written anything for the past 6 months.

Enjoy your break at home. Its a great chance for you to spend time on your hobbies... and I know u have a lot. :)
Take care


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